Salesian Holiness 2024
Every year, the postulator for the causes of saints of the Salesian Congregation, Don Pierluigi Cameroni, publishes the “General Postulation Dossier of Don Bosco Salesians – 2024,” which presents the updated list of saints and blesseds related to the past year. In this edition, in addition to the updated list, we also find the new poster dedicated to these witnesses of Salesian faith. We offer you an overview of the names included in the dossier and the main activities of the Postulation planned for 2024, to continue spreading the spirit of Don Bosco and devotion to his saints and blesseds.
“Let us not forget that it is precisely the saints who drive the Church forward and make it grow”
(Pope Francis).
“From now on, let it be our motto: let the holiness of children be proof of the holiness of the father.”
(Don Rua)
It is necessary to express deep gratitude and praise to God for the holiness already recognized in the Salesian Family of Don Bosco and for the one in the process of recognition. The outcome of a Cause of Beatification and Canonization is an event of extraordinary importance and ecclesial value. In fact, it is a matter of discerning the reputation of holiness of a baptized person, who lived the Gospel beatitudes to a heroic degree or who gave his life for Christ.
From Don Bosco to our own day there is attested a tradition of holiness to which attention deserves attention, because it is the incarnation of the charism that originated from him and that was expressed in a plurality of states of life and forms. These are men and women, young people and adults, consecrated and lay people, bishops and missionaries who in historical, cultural and social contexts different in time and space have made the Salesian charism shine with a singular light, representing a heritage that plays an effective role in the life and community of believers and for people of good will.
1. List as at 31 December 2024
Our Postulation involves 179 Saints, Blesseds, Venerables, Servants of God.
The Causes followed directly by the Postulation are 61 (+ 5 extra).
Saint John Bosco, priest (date of Canonization: April 1, 1934) – (Italy)
Saint Joseph Cafasso, priest (22 June 1947) – (Italy)
Saint Maria D. Mazzarello, virgin (24 June 1951) – (Italy)
Saint Dominic Savio, adolescent (12 June 1954) – (Italy)
Saint Leonard Murialdo, priest (3 May 1970) – (Italy)
Saint Luigi Versiglia, bishop, martyr (October 1, 2000) – (Italy – China)
Saint Callistus Caravario, priest, martyr (October 1, 2000) – (Italy – China)
Saint Luigi Orione, priest (May 16, 2004) – (Italy)
Saint Luigi Guanella, priest (23 October 2011) – (Italy)
Saint Artemide Zatti, religious (9 October 2022) – (Italy – Argentina)
Blessed Michael Rua, priest (date of beatification: October 29, 1972) – (Italy)
Blessed Laura Vicuña, adolescent (September 3, 1988) – (Chile – Argentina)
Blessed Filippo Rinaldi, priest (April 29, 1990) – (Italy)
Blessed Magdalene Morano, virgin (5 November 1994) – (Italy)
Blessed Joseph Kowalski, priest, martyr (June 13, 1999) – (Poland)
Blessed Francis Kęsy, layman, and 4 companion martyrs (June 13, 1999) – (Poland)
Czesław Jóźwiak, layman
Edward Kaz ́mierski, layman
Edward Clinic, Laico
Jarogniew Wojciechowski, layman
Blessed Pius IX, Pope (September 3, 2000) – (Italy)
Blessed Joseph Calasanz, priest, and 31 companion martyrs (March 11, 2001) – (Spain)
Antonio Maria Martin Hernandez, priest
Recaredo de los Ríos Fabregat, priest
Giuliano Rodríguez Sánchez, priest
Giuseppe Giménez López, priest
Augustine García Calvo, layman
Giovanni Martorell Soria, priest
Giacomo Buch Canal, layman
Pietro Mesonero Rodríguez, chierico
Giuseppe Otín Aquilué, priest
Alvaro Sanjuán Canet, priest
Francesco Bandrés Sánchez, priest
Sergio Cid Pazo, priest
Giuseppe Batalla Parramó, priest
Giuseppe Rabasa Bentanachs, layman
Gil Rodicio Rodicio, layman
Angelo Ramos Velázquez, layman
Filippo Hernández Martínez, cleric
Zaccaria Abadía Buesa, cleric
Giacomo Ortiz Alzueta, layman
Saverio Bordas Piferrer, cleric
Felice Vivet Trabal, cleric
Michael Domingo Cendra, cleric
Giuseppe Caselles Moncho, priest
Joseph Castell Camps, priest
Giuseppe Bonet Nadal, priest
Giacomo Bonet Nadal, priest
Alessandro Planas Saurí, lay collaborator
Eliseo García García, layman
Giulio Junyer Padern, priest
María Carmen Moreno Benítez, vergin
María Amparo Carbonell Muñoz, vergin
Blessed Luigi Variara, priest (April 14, 2002) – (Italy – Colombia)
Blessed Maria Romero Meneses, virgin (April 14, 2002) – (Nicaragua – Costa Rica)
Blessed Augustus Czartoryski, priest (April 25, 2004) – (France – Poland)
Blessed Eusebia Palomino, virgin (April 25, 2004) – (Spain)
Blessed Alexandrina M. Da Costa, laywoman (April 25, 2004) – (Portugal)
Blessed Alberto Marvelli, layman (5 September 2004) – (Italy)
Blessed Bronislaus Markiewicz, priest (June 19, 2005) – (Poland)
Blessed Henry Saiz Aparicio, priest, and 62 companion martyrs (October 28, 2007) – (Spain)
Felice González Tejedor, priest
Giovanni Codera Marqués, coadjutor
Virgilio Edreira Mosquera, cleric
Paolo Gracia Sánchez, layman
Carmelo Giovanni Pérez Rodríguez, subdeacon
Teodulo González Fernández, cleric
Tommaso Gil de la Cal, aspirant
Federico Cobo Sanz, aspirant
Igino de Mata Díez, aspirant
Giusto Juanes Santos, cleric
Vittoriano Fernández Reinoso, cleric
Emilio Arce Díez, layman
Raimondo Eirín Mayo, layman
Matteo Garolera Masferrer, layman
Anastasio Garzón González, layman
Francesco Giuseppe Martín López de Arroyave, layman
Giovanni de Mata Díez, lay collaborator
Pio Conde Conde, priest
Sabino Hernández Laso, priest
Salvatore Fernández Pérez, priest
Nicola de la Torre Merino, layman
Germano Martín Martín, priest
Giuseppe Villanova Tormo, priest
Stefano Cobo Sanz, cleric
Francesco Edreira Mosquera, cleric
Emanuele Martín Pérez, cleric
Valentino Gil Arribas, layman
Pietro Artolozaga Mellique, cleric
Emanuele Borrajo Míguez, cleric
Dionisio Ullívarri Barajuán, layman
Michele Lasaga Carazo, priest
Luigi Martínez Alvarellos, cleric
John Larragueta Garay, cleric
Fiorenzo Rodríguez Güemes, cleric
Pasquale de Castro Herrera, cleric
Stefano Vázquez Alonso, layman
Eliodoro Ramos García, layman
Giuseppe Maria Celaya Badiola, layman
Andrea Jiménez Galera, priest
Andrea Gómez Sáez, priest
Antonio Cid Rodríguez, layman
Antonio Torrero Luque, priest
Antonio Enrico Canut Isús, priest
Michele Molina de la Torre, priest
Paolo Caballero López, priest
Onorio Hernández Martín, cleric
John Louis Hernández Medina, cleric
Antonio Mohedano Larriva, priest
Antonio Fernández Camacho, priest
Giuseppe Limón Limón, priest
Giuseppe Blanco Salgado, layman
Francesco Míguez Fernández, priest
Emanuele Fernández Ferro, priest
Felice Paco Escartín, priest
Tommaso Alonso Sanjuán, layman
Emanuele Gómez Contioso, priest
Antonio Pancorbo López, priest
Stefano García García, layman
Raffaele Rodríguez Mesa, layman
Antonio Rodríguez Blanco, diocesan priest
Bartolomeo Blanco Márquez, layman
Teresa Cejudo Redondo, lay
Blessed Zeffirino Namuncurá, layman (11 novembre 2007) – (Argentina – Italia)
Blessed Maria Troncatti, virgin (November 24, 2012) – (Italy – Ecuador)
Decree on the miracle: November 25, 2024
Canonization September 7, 2025?
Blessed Stephen Sándor, religious, martyr (19 October 2013) – (Hungary)
Blessed Titus Zeman, priest, martyr (30 September 2017) – (Slovakia).
Ven. Andrea Beltrami, priest, (date of the Decree super virtutibus: December 15, 1966) – (Italy)
Ven. Teresa Valsè Pantellini, virgin (July 12, 1982) – (Italy)
Ven. Dorotea Chopitea, laywoman (June 9, 1983) – (Spain)
Ven. Vincenzo Cimatti, priest (December 21, 1991) – (Italy – Japan)
Ven. Simone Srugi, religious (April 2, 1993) – (Palestine)
Ven. Rodolfo Komorek, priest (6 aprile 1995) – (Polonia – Brasile)
Ven. Luigi Olivares, bishop (December 20, 2004) – (Italy)
Ven. Margherita Occhiena, laywoman (23 October 2006) – (Italy)
Ven. Giuseppe Quadrio, priest (December 19, 2009) – (Italy)
Ven. Laura Meozzi, virgin (June 27, 2011) – (Italy – Poland)
Ven. Attilio Giordani, layman (9 October 2013) – (Italy – Brazil)
Ven. Joseph Augustus Arribat, priest (8 July 2014) – (France)
Ven. Stefano Ferrando, bishop (3 March 2016) – (Italy – India)
Ven. Francesco Convertini, priest (20 January 2017) – (Italy – India)
Ven. Joseph Vandor, priest (20 January – 2017) – (Hungary – Cuba)
Ven. Octavius Ortiz Arrieta Coya, bishop (27 February 2017) – (Peru)
Ven. Augusto Hlond, cardinal (19 May 2018) – (Poland)
Ven. Ignazio Stuchly, priest (21 December 2020) – (Czech Republic)
Ven. Carlo Crespi Croci, priest (23 March 2023) – (Italy – Ecuador)
Ven. Antonio De Almeida Lustosa, bishop (22 June 2023) – (Brazil)
The Causes are listed according to the progress
Positio examined by cardinals and bishops
Elia Comini, priest (Italy) martyr
Peculiar Congress of Theologians: May 5, 2022
Peculiar Congress of Theologians: April 11, 2024
Ordinary session of Cardinals and Bishops: 10 December 2024
Decree on martyrdom: 18 December 2024
Positio examined by theologians
John Świerc, priest and 8 companion martyrs (Poland)
Ignacio Dobiasz, priest
Francis Harazim, priest
Casimiro Wojciechowski, priest
Ignazio Antonowicz, priest
Lodovico Mroczek, priest
Carlo Golda, priest
Vladimiro Eyes, priest
Francesco Miśka, priest
Positio delivered: 21 July 2022
Peculiar historical congress. March 28, 2023
Ordinary session of the Cardinal and Bishops: June 2025
Positio delivered
Costantino Vendrame, priest (Italy – India)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 1 February 2013
Positio delivered: 19 September 2023
Peculiar Congress of Theologians: January 23, 2025
Oreste Marengo, bishop (Italy – India)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 6 December 2013
Position delivered:28 May 2024
Peculiar Theologians Congress: September-October 2025
Rodolfo Lunkenbein, priest (Germany – Brazil) and Simão Bororo, layman (Brazil), martyrs
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 16 December 2020
Positio delivered: 28 November 2024
Peculiar Theologians Congress: September-October 2025
The drafting of the Positio is underway
Andrea Majcen, priest (Slovenia – Cina – Vietnam)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 23 October 2020
Vera Grita, laywoman (Italy)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 14 December 2022
Cognata Giuseppe, bishop (Italy)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 11 January 2023
Carlo Della Torre, priest (Italy – Thailand)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 1 April 2016
Silvio Galli, priest (Italy)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 19 October 2022
Akash Bashir, layman, martyr (Pakistan)
Decree of validity of the Diocesan Inquiry: 24 October 2024
Waiting for validity of the Diocesan Inquiry
Antonietta Böhm, virgin (Germany – Mexico)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 7 May 2017
Diocesan Inquiry Closed: 28 April 2024
Validity of the Diocesan Inquiry
Antonino Baglieri, layman (Italy)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 2 March 2014
Closure of the diocesan inquiry. May 5, 2024
Validity of the Diocesan Inquiry
Cause temporarily stopped
Anna Maria Lozano, virgin (Colombia)
Closure of the Diocesan Inquiry: 19 June 2014
The diocesan inquiry is underway
Luigi Bolla, priest (Italy – Ecuador – Peru)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 27 September 2021
Closure of the Diocesan Inquiry
Rosetta Marchese, virgin (Italy)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 30 April 2021
Closure of the Diocesan Inquiry
Matilda Salem, laywoman (Syria)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 20 October 1995
Carlo Braga, priest (Italy – China – Philippines)
Opening of the Diocesan Inquiry: 30 January 2014
The Decree super virtutibus: January 22, 1991
Medical consultation super miro: March 30, 2023
Peculiar Congress of Theologians: October 19, 2023
Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops: 20 February 2024
Beatification: 17 May 2025
Venerable BARELLO MORELLO CASIMIRO, Franciscan tertiary (Italy – Spain)
The Decree super virtutibus: 1 July 2000
Venerable TYRANOWSKI GIOVANNI, layman (Poland)
The Decree super virtutibus: 20 January 2017
Venerable BERTAZZONI AUGUSTO, bishop (Italy)
The Decree super virtutibus: October 2, 2019
Venerable CANELLI FELICE, priest (Italy)
The Decree super virtutibus: May 22, 2021
Also to be remembered are the Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God who at different times and in different ways have met with the Salesian charism such as: the Blessed, Edvige Carboni, the Servant of God Cardinal Giuseppe Guarino, founder of the Apostles of the Holy Family, the Servant of God Salvo d’Acquisto, past pupil and numerous others.
2. EVENTS OF 2024
On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, the opening session for the canonical recognition and conservation treatment of the mortal remains of the Venerable Camille Costa de Beauregard (1841-1910), diocesan priest, took place at the chapel of the Bocage Foundation in Chambéry.
On February 27, 2024, in the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a positive vote was given (7 out of 7) to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Camille Costa de Beauregard, diocesan priest (1841-1910), which occurred to the child René Jacquemond, for healing from “intense keratoconjunctivitis with grinding of the cornea, strong perikeratic injection, redness and injection of the conjunctiva, photophobia and tearing of the right eye due to violent trauma from the plant-burdock agent” (1910).
On 7 March 2024, the Medical Advisory Board of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints gave a positive opinion, with all affirmative votes, to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Maria Troncatti, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (1883-1969), from “open brain trauma with comminuted fracture of the skull, exposure of brain tissue in the right fronto-parieto-temporal area and state of coma (G6)” (2015).
On 14 March 2024, the Supreme Pontiff authorized the same Dicastery to promulgate the Decree concerning the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Camillo Costa de Beauregard, diocesan priest; born in Chambéry (France) on 17 February 1841 and died there on 25 March 1910. The miracle, which took place in 1910, concerns the child René Jacquemond, cured of “intense keratoconjunctivitis with grinding of the cornea, strong perikeratic injection, redness and injection of the conjunctiva, photophobia and tearing of the right eye due to violent trauma from the plant-burdock agent” (1910).
On 15 March 2024 in Lahore (Pakistan) the Diocesan Inquiry into the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Akash Bashir (1994-2015), a layman, a former pupil of Don Bosco, killed in hatred of the faith, was closed. It is the first Cause of Beatification in Pakistan.
On 11 April 2024, during the special Congress of Theological Consultors at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a positive opinion was expressed on the Positio super martyrio of Servant of God Elia Comini, Professed Priest of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco (1910-1944), killed in hatred of the faith in the Nazi massacre of Monte Sole on 1 October 1944.
On April 28, 2024, in Cuautitlán (Mexico) closing of the Diocesan Inquiry of the Cause of the Servant of God Antonieta Böhm (1907-2008), Daughter of Mary Help of Christians.
On May 5, 2024, in Modica (Ragusa) closing of the Diocesan Inquiry of the Servant of God Antonino Baglieri (1951-2007), Layman, Volunteer with Don Bosco.
On May 28, 2024, the peculiar Congress of Theologians of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints gave a positive vote to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Maria Troncatti, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (1883-1969), from “open brain trauma with comminuted fracture of the skull, exposure of brain tissue in the right fronto-parieto-temporal area and state of coma (G6)” (2015).
On May 31, 2024, the volume of the Positio super Vita, Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis by the Servant of God Oreste Marengo (1906-1998), Salesian missionary bishop in Northeast India, was delivered to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at the “Zeffirino Namuncurà” community in Rome, the new premises of the Salesian General Postulation were inaugurated and blessed by the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime.
On 24 November 2024, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in the Ordinary Congress gave legal validity to the Diocesan Inquiry for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Akash Bashir (Risalpur 22 June 1994 – Lahore 15 March 2015) Layman, Past Pupil of Don Bosco.
On 19 November 2024, in the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a positive vote was given to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Maria Troncatti, Professed Religious of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (1883-1969), which occurred miraculously healed of a Lord from “Open cranio-encephalic trauma with comminuted fracture of the skull, loss of brain substance and exposure of brain tissue in the right front-parieto-temporal area, diffuse axonal damage (DAI), severe coma evolved in a type 2 vegetative state”, which occurred in 2015 in Ecuador.
On 25 November 2024, the Holy Father authorized the same Dicastery to promulgate the Decree concerning
– the miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Maria Troncatti, a professed nun of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, born in Córteno Golgi, Italy, on 16 February 1883 and died in Sucúa, Ecuador, on 25 August 1969.
On November 28, 2024, the volume of the Positio super martyrio of the Servants of God Rodolfo Lunkenbein, Professed Priest of the Society of St. Francis de Sales and Simão Bororo, Layman, killed in hatred of the faith on July 15, 1976, was delivered to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.
On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, the Theological Consultors of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, during the Peculiar Congress, responded affirmatively regarding the Positio super martyrio of the Servants of God John Świerc and VIII Companions, Professed Priests of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, killed in odium fidei in the Nazi extermination camps in the years 1941-1942.
On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, during the Ordinary Session of Cardinals and Bishops at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a positive opinion was expressed regarding the Positio super martyrio of Servant Elia Comini, Professed Priest of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco (1910-1944), killed in hatred of the faith in the Nazi massacre of Monte Sole on October 1, 1944.
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Holy Father Francis authorized the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the Decree concerning: the martyrdom of the Servant of God Elia Comini, professed priest of the Society of St. Francis de Sales; born on May 7, 1910 in Calvenzano di Vergato (Italy, Bologna) and killed, in hatred of the Faith, in Pioppe di Salvaro (Italy, Bologna) on 1 October 1944.