Help us to continue the work begun by Don Bosco.

You can collaborate first of all with prayer.
Yes, with prayer. Pray that the Lord may make hearts sensitive to and available for the healthy education of children and young people. They are the future of humanity. They are the future of humanity.
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Send us material useful for our purpose (text, pictures, audio, video) without copyright, or with explicit, written permission.

Support us with a donation
Help sustain the needs of the Salesian missions supported by the Rector Major or the needs of the Salesian Bulletin OnLine, providing the description as follows: “for the Salesian missions supported by the Rector Major” or “for the Salesian Bulletin OnLine”. If you are not interested in receipts for tax deduction purposes, go to the first item; otherwise to the second.
1. For free donations:
Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco
Tax code: 80017750581
Address: via Marsala 42, 00185 Rome, Italy
Certified digital email: ammdgdonbosco @
Banca Popolare di Sondrio (Popular Bank of Sondrio)
IBAN: IT54O0569603202000004655X77
2. For receipts in view of tax benefits (deductions) on donations:
Fondazione Don Bosco nel Mondo
Tax code: 97210180580
Address: via Marsala 42, 00185 Rome, Italy
Certified digital email: ammfdbnm @
In one of your preferred modes:

Leave a legacy
Do you want to leave a lasting sign of your generosity? Establish a legacy on behalf of someone or name someone as your heir. We suggest a few formulas.
If it is a legacy: “I bequeath by way of legacy the sum of euros… or securities… or the building located in… to the Salesian Institute for the Missions, with headquarters in Turin, via Maria Ausiliatrice 32, CF 00155220494. for the Institution’s institutional purposes’.
If it is a question of naming someone as heir: “I hereby revoke all previous will and testaments. I nominate as my universal heir the Salesian Institute for the Missions with headquarters in Turin, via Maria Ausiliatrice 32, CF 00155220494, leaving to it all that belongs to me in any capacity, for the institutional purposes of the Organisation”.
(Place and date) (Signature in full and legible)
NB. The will must be written in full in the testator’s own hand.
Istituto Salesiano per le Missioni (Salesian Institute for the Missions)
Via Maria Ausiliatrice 32, 10152 Turin, Italy
CF: 00155220494
Tel. +39 011 5224248