Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. I am not familiar with any of the seven languages in which the site is presented. Can I read it in my own language?
Yes, and it is very easy using the Google® Translate service. To find out the procedure, click HERE. Bear in mind that automatic translation done by a machine (software), is not perfect, and may contain errors.

2. I am not familiar with any of the seven languages in which the videos are presented on the Salesian Bulletin Online ® YouTube channel. Can I read the subtitles in my own language?
Yes, the procedure can be found HERE and HERE. Please note that automatic subtitles generated by a machine (software), are not perfect, and may contain errors.

3. Is it possible to consult the entire Salesian calendar in English?
Yes, just click HERE.

4. Is it possible to consult the entire Salesian calendar in Latin?
Yes, just click HERE, then on the TAB on the left, entitled “Parvum calendarium ad usum SDB et addenda et varianda in Officio et Missa“.

5. Where can I find the calendar’s “Legend”?
By clicking HERE.

6. The calendar indicates the Church’s “World Days”. Is it possible to consult the entire document?
Yes, just click HERE.

7. Is it possible to find a word or phrase within the site?
Yes. On the right-hand side of the main page (Homepage) there are two search areas: one based on the internal search engine entitled “Internal Search” and another based on the ® Google search engine entitled “External Search (Google)”.

8. Why can’t I find the “Salesian Bulletin Archive” page in my language?
The “Salesian Bulletin Archive” page is an index of the printed Salesian Bulletin in Italian, from the beginning of 1877 until today, which has links pointing to the digital version of the individual issues of the same Bulletin. There is no point in translating an index that refers to Italian texts in PDF.
In any case, if you wish to consult it in your own language, you can use the automatic translation method described above in no.1. Individual PDFs, being searchable, also lend themselves to content translation.

9. How can I find out what’s new on the site straight away?
By following with our RSS Feed (using aggregator software). You can find this at the bottom of the page and also HERE.
What is a Feed? Click HERE for an explanation.
What is RSS? Click HERE for an explanation.
Where do I find an aggregator? Click HERE to choose one from the list.

10. I do not live in Italy and I would like to know if the site respects my privacy, according to the laws of my country. How do I know that my rights are protected?
At the bottom of the web page, in the “Legal notes” area, you will find all the information (cookies, privacy, etc.). The link called “Other countries” takes you to a page containing information on how cookies and privacy are handled in various countries around the world and in various languages.